Grid Forming Loads to provide maximum flexibility and enable future power systems with very high renewable generation penetration - Coordinator.
Description of the project
Modern power systems are experiencing a deep transformation motivated by the massive deployment of renewable energy generation, the irruption of electrical mobility and the digitalization of the energy systems. In traditional power systems, power balancing is provided by conventional power plants that are capable of adjusting the power injection. However, the recent massive deployment of variable (non-dispatchable) power-electronics interfaced renewables, mainly solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind power, has brought a very important challenge and demands to rethink how the whole power system needs to be designed, operated and protected. Solar PV and wind have limited flexibility compared to other technologies which store the prime resource. The flexibility can be provided by operating these non-controllable renewables below the point of maximum power generation (with the associated loss of generation), using energy storage or with demand management. In addition to power balancing, it is also required to provide grid services and forming the grid ensuring stability. While this is traditionally provided from the generation side, this project focuses on providing these functionalities from the loads, thus developing the concept of Grid Forming (GF) Loads and allowing renewable generators to operate at the point of maximum power availability. The project objectives include the concept definition, selection of loads, development of controllers, implementation in relevant applications (electrical vehicle chargers, pump drives, railway power systems), systems studies and techno-economic and environmental studies on the impact. The project is structured in seven work packages and includes experimental validation of the concept in selected loads and overall systems studies.
Budget and financing
GA ID: 101192350
EU contribution EUR: 2 499 812.50 €
Budget UPC EUR: 647 543.75 €