About us

CITCEA-UPC is a research and technological innovation center in the field of electrical energy and power electronics founded in 2001. It belongs to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech. It is a member of the ACCIO (Generalitat de Catalunya) TECNIO network and is recognized as a Research Group by AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya.


satifaction for the actual impact of our work.


we make our needs and objectives of our clients.


social and humanitarian values aligned with the challenges you have of society in the field of energy and sustainability.


team work with our customers.


We work to achieve an ecosystem that allows the generation and transfer of electrical engineering knowledge to society to achieve a carbon-free society, an efficient use of resources and a competitive industry.


  • Consolidate, train and grow the team of professors and engineers specialized in electrical engineering who are part of the CITCEA-UPC to be able to create new lines of research in the field of electrical engineering by transferring knowledge and talent to society and the industry.
  • Conduct research and generate knowledge in the field of electrical engineering with the aim of converting the knowledge generated into technology and transferring it to society.
  • Training: Apply the knowledge developed to train excellent professionals.
  • Actively participate in the social, business and institutional environment both nationally and internationally with presentations, conferences and being part of clusters, associations and consortia.
  • Bring added value to the UPC and be at its service, participating, promoting and organizing activities in the field of electrical engineering and participating in the governing bodies of the ETSEIB, the Department of Electrical Engineering and the UPC.
  • Continue to promote the development and internationalization of the country's research and industry.

Data 2023

  • 12European projects (H2020 & HE)
  • 11projects (AEI/CDTi)
  • 5 projects (ACCIÓ/AGAUR)
  • 71 employees Citcea
  • 4,3M€recruitment projects 2021
  • 5,1M€recruitment projects 2022