Promote the net energy transition of energy-intensive industry through advanced and innovative digital technologies.

Project description

The main objective of GENIUS is to develop a complete DIGITAL TWIN for 1) advanced monitoring and control, 2) estimation and prediction of the state, 3) active energy management of actions, systems and infrastructures, 4) monitoring of carbon use and 5) analysis economic in energy-intensive industries in urban environments. Aquests DT allows you to develop innovative and effective ideas to optimize energy consumption, sizing, profitability and the life cycle of energy infrastructure and actions, maximizing the synergies of local renewable energy generation and the vehicle fleet. electricity, limit the total decarbonization of the entire value chain of these industries.
"This publication is part of the project PLEC2021-008152, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU”/PRTR”.

Budget and financing

Amount: 489.780 €
Financing: Government of Spain; Ministry of Science and Innovation Recovery Plan Transformation and Resilience State Research Agency