Online platform that integrates energy data and AI services for distribution networks

Description of the project

PLATON drives the transition from traditional electricity distribution networks to smart distribution networks. These networks face complex management arising from the variability and uncertainty linked to renewables.

The project will develop a digital platform designed and created for the energy data space, which integrates services based on artificial intelligence aimed at improving the operation and planning of distribution networks with high penetration of renewables. Federated learning techniques will be applied to train machine learning models. This will affect current approaches to sharing and integrating data in the energy sector, as most are based on centralized strategies, vulnerable to data privacy and security issues.

Budget and financing

Amount: 1.238.714,29 €

Financing: Government of Spain, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, UNICO, Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU.


