Flexible management of the distribution network for maximum decarbonization using artificial intelligence. Code: TED2021-131753B-I00.

Description of the project

This project focuses on the applications of AI machine learning in the fields of distribution and consumption and, in particular, on its orientation towards the improvement of operational procedures to find the optimal operation that minimizes the emissions of carbon dioxide. carbon and maximize the integration capacity of renewable energies in the distribution system. Models will be developed using federated learning techniques to build a bottom-up machine learning architecture to share only essential model data and ensure data security and privacy. A three-level system hierarchy is proposed for distribution system operation based on the concept of bottom-up model aggregation. 

Budget and financing

Amount: 195 500 €
Financing: Ministry of Science and Innovation, Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, State Research Agency. 

