Decision support tools for operators in modern electrical systems. Code: PDC2022-133226-I00.

Description of the project

This project aims to develop a proof of concept part of the results of the project RTI2018-095429-B-I00 Control of a network of multiple AC and DC networks interconnected with power electronic converters (GRIDofGRIDS). The GRIDofGRIDS project focused on understanding hybrid AC-DC grids interconnected by power converters and proposing new control and operation approaches for these systems and enabling massive integration of renewable generation. This project aims to develop the concepts of the GRIDofGRIDS project and transform the theoretical methodologies into practical tools to support operators' decision-making. The tools developed will include a power flow analysis tool for AC-DC hybrid networks, a dynamic analysis tool for AC-DC hybrid networks and a decision support tool for operators. The initial methodologies proposed and tested with academic systems in the GRIDofGRIDS project will be further developed in TOTAL-ACDC. The project will focus on developing a tool and testing it with real systems, such as the Spanish system that includes HVDC interconnections with the Balearic Islands and several HVDC and HVAC interconnections with France. The project will be structured into five work packages, including opportunity validation, tool development and implementation, tool validation, intellectual property strategy and business plan development. The idea of ​​the global project is to bring the research concepts of the GRIDofGRIDS project to the market and define the business plan of a new start-up company.

Budget and financing

Amount: 138.000 €
Financing: Ministry of Science and Innovation, Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, State Research Agency. 

