Solutions for rapid response and network support using storage systems with grid-forming capabilities in networks. Code: TED2021-129796B-C22.

Description of the project

The FAIR project is a coordinated project that has been designed as a unique project with the contributions of teams from the University of Oviedo and the Technical University of Catalonia. The UPC team (like the UOV team) participates in all project work packages and is involved in the achievement of all project objectives. The UPC team is mainly responsible for addressing the technical objectives OG1 Location, sizing and integration of energy storage units for the provision of improved services, OG4 Analysis of the monetization of support services grid through energy storage facilities and regulatory analysis and its impact on the energy storage market, SO1 Development and application of a methodology to integrate the necessary energy storage into high-voltage converters power (STATCOM and HVDC), SO2 Development and application of a methodology to integrate the necessary energy storage in large renewable energy plants (wind and solar photovoltaic). ) and CO1 Definition of relevant scenarios in Spain. The UPC team will develop the general methodology for analyzing, dimensioning and locating the integration of energy storage in the different technologies and will specify how to do it in the case of high-power converters connected to medium and high voltage in distribution and transport networks. and renewable energy plants (wind and solar). The team will define relevant scenarios in Spain (including the necessary services and system requirements) where the developed methodology will be applied. The team will also develop overall coordinated operation and control approaches to ensure the stable operation of the various system units while providing the required services through the use of integrated energy storage systems. The proposed control and operation approaches will be validated through full-system simulations and on full-scale experimental platforms. The UPC team will carry out validations of renewable plants in the UPC laboratories and will collaborate with the Oviedo team for the rest of the validations.

Budget and financing

Amount: 224.250 €
Financing: Ministry of Science and Innovation, Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, State Research Agency.