Active Flow Control system FOR improving HYDRaulic turbine performances at off-design Operation

Project description

Hydropower plants make an important contribution to our clean-energy mix by exploiting water level differences to generate electricity. Hydraulic turbines, the workhorses of these power plants, are subject to extreme and continuous forces that, when controlled, improve unit performance, efficiency, and lifetime. The EU-funded AFC4Hydro project will develop an active flow control system complete with structural health monitoring to improve operation in regimes outside the design window, by reducing pressure fluctuations, loads and vibrations. These improvements lead to an expanded operation window, which allows hydropower to contribute to system services of the electrical grid and to maintain a more natural flow in hydropower schemes, ultimately benefiting the economy, society and environment.


Budget and financing

GA ID: 814958 
EU contribution EUR: 4.711.589,25 €
Budget UPC EUR:  711.589,25 € 

                                                                                                                                                                             Logo Funded by European Union                                                                                                                             
