Driving the decarbonization of transport through advanced hybrid energy storage systems with lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors. Code: TED2021-132725B-I00.

Project description

The project aims to crystallize the results of genuine and planned research based on the modeling of lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, power electronics converters, electric motors, gearboxes and mechanical loads that determine the behavior of electric vehicles . Based on this modeling, the project addresses the formalization of a procedure for the design of hybrid energy storage solutions (HESS), emphasizing advanced power electronic topologies and associated management algorithms, as key technologies to support the development of propulsion systems for electric vehicles with better technical, economic and environmental performance compared to conventional systems based solely on lithium-ion batteries. The aim is to validate this methodology by creating prototypes of the most interesting HESS topologies in a laboratory environment. In short, the results of the project serve for decision-making in the automotive industry; and opens the door to academia to develop more concepts and technologies based on the hybridization of different storage technologies. 

Budget and financing

Amount: 143.405 €
Financing: Ministry of Science and Innovation, Funded by the European Union-Next Generation EU, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, State Research Agency.